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癌症(Cancer) 或稱作惡性腫瘤(Malignant tumor),源自身體某個部位開始有細胞不正常的增生。腫瘤形成之後,可能從原本部位向周圍組織擴張,藉由淋巴和血管,轉移到身體的其他部位。大量癌細胞沒有限制地瘋狂生長,破壞重要器官功能,也佔據身體大部分的營養,導致病患最終因器官衰竭、營養不良、併發症而死亡。
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癌症生物學的最新進展強調了結締組織在局部腫瘤環境中的重要性。炎症和纖維化是公認的導致癌症惡化的因素,結締組織僵硬成為腫瘤生長的驅動因素,按摩,針灸和瑜伽已顯示可減少結締組織炎症和纖維化,因此可能對癌症擴散和轉移有直接的有效益作用,而目前對在腫瘤附近施加機械力的潛在風險知之甚少。(Cancer Res; 76(21); 6159–62. ©2016 AACR.)
筋膜圍繞人體每個器官的結構,整合肌肉骨骼系統,並容納血液和淋巴管,(更有最新研究發現血液和淋巴屬於液態筋膜系統-Bruno Bordoni; Navid Mahabadi; Matthew Varacallo. Anatomy, Fascia. StatPearls Publishing; 2020 Jan-.)然後,淋巴管通過淋巴結將其組織中的局部化學信息通過淋巴結排到免疫系統。
慢性炎症和組織纖維化的病理過程導致結締組織變硬,還可能驅動腫瘤轉惡化(Albini A, Sporn MB. The tumour microenvironment as a target for chemoprevention. Nat Rev Cancer 2007;7:139–47.
Whiteside TL. The tumor microenvironment and its role in promoting tumor growth. Oncogene 2008;27:5904–12.)
(Rybinski B, Franco-Barraza J, Cukierman E. The wound healing, chronic fibrosis, and cancer progression triad. Physiol Genomics 2014;46:223–44.
Ingber DE. Can cancer be reversed by engineering the tumor microenvironment? Semin Cancer Biol 2008;18:356–64.
Spill F, Reynolds DS, Kamm RD, Zaman MH. Impact of the physical microenvironment on tumor progression and metastasis. Curr Opin Biotechnol 2016;40:41–8.)
(Straub JM, New J, Hamilton CD, Lominska C, Shnayder Y, Thomas SM. Radiation-induced fibrosis: mechanisms and implications for therapy. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2015;141:1985–94.
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參考資料:Connecting (T)issues: How Research in Fascia Biology Can Impact Integrative Oncology
Helene M. Langevin, Patricia Keely, Jun Mao, Lisa M. Hodge, Robert Schleip, Gary Deng, Boris Hinz, Melody A. Swartz, Beverley A. de Valois, Suzanna Zick and Thomas Findley
DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-0753 Published November 2016